mini-brand makeover

Package includes:

  • 60 Minute virtual consultation

  • Brand audit of your existing website + socials

  • Market trend research in your industry

  • A private online Notion portal with your

  • Up to 10 actionable items to improve your brand’s presence.

Vip Day

Package includes:

  • 2 Hour Consultation

  • Evaluation of your elevator pitch/story, body language, wardrobe, in relationship to your professional goals.

  • A private online Notion Portal

  • Human Design and Natal Chart evaluation

  • Best for clients looking for career advancements, speaking engagement opportunities. (Artists, Musicians, Corporate Career)


Package includes:
(Mini Brand Makeover + VIP)

  • Brand Strategy & Identity

  • 3 Month (Re)launch Marketing Plan

  • Setting Up Funnels / Offers

  • Creative Direction For Brand Photoshoot

    (This package is great for Soloprenuers)


Package includes:

  • Executive authority + communication strategy

  • Mindset Positioning

  • Creative Direction for Brand Assets

  • 3 Month Relaunch Marketing Plan

  • Launch Event Support

  • Setting Up Funnels / Offers

  • Creative Direction For Brand Photoshoot
    (This package is best for projects with multiple stakeholders)